Nostradamus Had Some Eerie Predictions For 2023

Was Nostradamus for real? It’s a question people have pondered for centuries now. If you take a good hard look at some of his prophecies, he certainly seems to have got a lot right, albeit in slightly vague ways! His predictions went all the way up to 2023 and beyond, so what did he think might lie in store for us this year? Nostradamus has some ideas about what might happen to the royal family, to society, and to you!


So who exactly is Nostradamus and why should we listen to him? Well, he was an apothecary — a sort of medieval pharmacist — who in the year 1550 started to make it big in the prophecy business. Every year he released a new book full of verses about what the future held. Plenty of people thought he was crazy… yet his name lives on to this day.

Past predictions

Perhaps this will sway any Nostradamus skeptics… he really did appear to predict the rise of Adolf Hitler. One of his predictions reads,

“From the depths of the West of Europe,

A young child will be born of poor people,

He who by his tongue will seduce a great troop,

His fame will increase towards the realm of the East.”

That’s unsettlingly close to what happened.

Burning skies

And that’s not all, because many people believe he predicted some of the most era-defining moments of American history too. One of his verses states,

“From on high, evil will fall on the great man,”

which some think refers to the Kennedy assassination. Another prediction says,

“The sky will burn at 45 degrees,

Fire approaches the great new city,”

which sounds unnervingly like 9/11.

Nostradamus for the modern day

We may never know for certain what Nostradamus meant by some of his verses. Obviously they were written centuries ago, when language was very different to what it is now; for all we know maybe some of the things he was referencing could never even have made it to the history books. But all the same, some would argue it’s still very much worth listening to what he has to say.